determine the distinction between 意味
- ~間の違いを判断{はんだん}[確認{かくにん}]する
- determine determine v. 決定する; 測定する; 《文語》 (人が)決断する. 【副詞1】 You must accurately
- distinction distinction n. (1) 抜群, 優秀; 高貴, 高名; 栄誉, 殊勲; 特徴. 【動詞+】 achieve distinction
- between between prep. …の間に. 【前置詞+】 After between twenty and thirty minutes the
- blur the distinction between ~間の区別{くべつ}をあいまいにさせる
- clear cut distinction between
- clear-cut distinction between ~間の明確{めいかく}な区別{くべつ}
- distinction (between right and wrong) distinction (between right and wrong) けじめ
- distinction between right and wrong 善[正義{せいぎ}]と悪の区別{くべつ}
- draw a clear distinction between A と B に明確{めいかく}な線を引く
- draw a distinction between ~の間に区別をつける、~の間に差別をつける、~の間の相違点{そういてん}を指摘{してき}する
- dwell on the distinction between A と B の違いを考え込む
- eliminate the distinction between ~間の差をなくす
- hard and fast distinction between ~間の厳格{げんかく}な区別{くべつ}
- make a distinction between ~の間に差別をつける、~を見分ける{みわける} What we need to do is make a clear distinction between good and evil.